The Forum has addressed a number of important kaupapa since it started

Various groups, stakeholders and Crown representatives have addressed the Forum to highlight on-going programmes of work and issues that concern iwi.

Iwi Leaders Groups have been established on particular kaupapa to engage directly with iwi, hapu and Government. Their meeting schedules and agenda depend on the nature of the kaupapa. ILGs host regional hui as required, and report to the Iwi Chairs Forum at their quarterly hui.

Fresh Water ILG

This section includes information about the work of the Iwi Chairs Forum, as undertaken by the Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group.

The Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group was formed in 2007 to advance the interests of all iwi in relation to fresh water through direct engagement with the Crown.

The group comprises the leaders of Ngai Tahu, Whanganui, Waikato-Tainui, Te Arawa and Tuwharetoa and reports regularly to all iwi.

Our wai (water) is an inseparable part of our whakapapa and our identity, and is a fundamental part of what drives our very existence. The future health and wellbeing of our waters are a matter of utmost importance to all iwi, as well as all New Zealanders.

In the last few years, our group and advisers have participated in the Land & Water Forum along with some 60 organisations including Federated Farmers, Fonterra, Dairy NZ, Beef and Lamb NZ, power generators, horticultural and forestry groups, iwi and non-government organisations, such as Forest and Bird Society and Fish & Game New Zealand.

The aim of the Forum was to develop an enduring and sustainable framework for the future governance and management of freshwater in Aotearoa. It has now completed its work and reported back to the Government. We await their decision on the Forum's recommendations.

To achieve this enduring and sustainable framework for the management of freshwater, iwi rights and interests must be appropriately recognised and provided for.

We seek tangible and meaningful recognition of these rights and interests, and desire an active and ongoing relationship with the waters in our respective rohe.

This is the freshwater challenge for the future.

Third Freshwater Stakeholders Dinner

The third Freshwater Stakeholders Engagement Evening was held on Wednesday 29 June 2016, at Te Wharewaka o Poneke Function Centre in Wellington. The purpose of the event was to share with a number of key stakeholders (energy companies, councils, farmers, dairy etc) our objectives in relation to addressing iwi rights and interests in freshwater.

The evening included an opportunity to share a number of video presentations. The Ngai Tahu farms video was used as an example of how iwi are balancing commercial development and the sustainable management of natural resources.

It provides insights into how Ngai Tahu is playing a leadership role - pushing the envelope on what best practice means for the farming community.

Collaboration and partnerships have been key elements of the leading edge Lake Taupō protection project which was selected as a New Zealand section finalist at prestigious River Foundation awards in Brisbane in 2015. The lake is a taonga for Ngāti Tūwharetoa.

Lake Taupō is the largest lake in New Zealand, valued highly for its crystal blue water and dramatic vistas. These features support an international tourist mecca, a world class fishery and a recreation and retirement centre as well as a significant forestry and farming interests.

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Second Freshwater Stakeholders Dinner

The Second Freshwater Stakeholders Dinner was held on 8 December 2015 in Auckland. The dinner was an opportunity to update a number of key stakeholders on the Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group engagement with the Crown and their current work programme on Freshwater.

A video was used to highlight the different relationships and approaches various iwi have with their waterways including Tuwharetoa, Ngati Rangi, Te Whanau a Apanui and Ngai Tahu.

Freshwater Stakeholder Dinner

Our first stakeholder engagement evening was held on 20 June 2015 in Auckland. This was the first evening targeted at sharing the views of the Freshwater Iwi Leaders Group in relation to water. As part of the evening, the principles that underpin the engagement with the Crown in relation to resolving iwi rights and interests in freshwater was shared with all attendees. These principles were developed by the iwi at Hopuhopu in February 2012, and supported by all iwi at Tūrangawaewae Marae in September 2012. The principles are:

  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi te tāhuhu o te kaupapa o te wai.
  • Te mana o te wai.
  • Te mana motuhake o ia wai o ia iwi ki te wai.
  • Te kaitiakitanga o ngā hapū me ngā iwi ki te wai.
  • Te mana whakahaere o ngā hapū me ngā iwi ki te wai.

These are explained through the following animated video.