That through unity, sharing and working together we will honour our past and create a better future

Our vision statement is guided by the whakataukī:

“He waka kōtuia kāhore e tukutukua ngā mimira.”

A canoe that is interlaced will not become separated at the bow. In unity there is strength.” In the highly developed craft of building ocean going waka the bow section was laced to the centre hull. The waka provides a metaphor for tangata whenua, in that a people interlaced will not be separated and through that unity we find strength.


Rangatiratanga, Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Tikanga, Pono.


The National Iwi Chairs Forum: Share information; Work collaboratively on key priorities of iwi within the National Iwi Chairs Forum; and Advocate the collective priorities of the iwi within the National Iwi Chairs Forum in discussions with others,
recognising the rangatiratanga/independence of iwi.

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